
47 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Dude this song is amazing, fr i see potential, good job dude, it reminded me the style of DirtyPaws and Rukkus, this song will get better if you could add some ambientation and some effects like risers, white noises, impacts. Btw good job bro i really liked it. The growls are insane

StarheartMusic responds:

Huge thanks for the review, however the growls are just samples that loop in a wacky way. This song is really old, and at the time of me making it, I had really old software that was very limited.

Yo it was not that bad, dimensional vibes, i loved the design of the bass, creative song, but it is a bit repectitive, small problem don't worry with it, but keep up with good songs!

TheCoolBounana responds:

Ayy tysm, not the first time someone told me it was repetitive, but I'll take it constructively and I'll build a melody next time :D

Broo, the melodies, growls, rythm are insane, i just think the drums or the intensity or something the same at almost whole music, but this is a nice song, incredible! I loved the growls!!

RealSpooky responds:


Relaxing, that was cool bro.

GeometryHGK responds:

and it's the first song I've made in FL as well

Nossa mano top!!! Já enxergo o sucesso em você.

Luck7Games responds:

Vlw cara vc e o melhor ;)

Sinceramente top demais. Mt bom, ja ouvi n sei quantas vezes.

LightEvoker responds:

Vlw cara! É muito bom ter um feedback positivo como esse!

Os acordes me lembraram da musica "Uplifting" do Permich. Acho q tu ja sabe, mas musica dele ta ai nos demo songs do fl studio mobile. Mesmo assim a musica ficou legal.

ItzBGZRound responds:

Verdade, eu usei mesmo uma musica demo no fl mobile. Não foi a primeira vez btw, eu lembro de ja ter feito antes, mas anteriormente eu havia feito poucas mudanças. Nessa eu praticamente usei a melodia da demo e fiz o resto desde o começo. Essa foi bem divertida de fazer e o resultado ficou muito bom. :)

I'm obsessed with Dubstep styled musics
I can be known as: EyeVoid, Voider, Bocolho and HogDosh sometimes.

Vítor Calderaro @Vytroven



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