I'm obsessed with Dubstep styled musics
I can be known as: EyeVoid, Voider, Bocolho and HogDosh sometimes.

Vítor Calderaro @Vytroven



Joined on 6/15/22

Exp Points:
338 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.68 votes
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Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 2d

Vytroven's News

Posted by Vytroven - February 26th, 2024

Hi guys, this year there will possibly be other genres a little disconnected from Dubstep or more precisely, Brostep, I'm planning some melodic songs, Not that I didn't already do it, but I'll do it more often this year. Maybe it can have a growl here, a distorced bass there... But I will still continue to make more Dubsteps. This year will not be so focused on Brostep. I have a lot of ideas in mind and a lot of projects to finish, so, wait for good music!

Oi gente, esse ano possivelmente haverá outros gêneros um pouco desconectados do Dubstep ou mais precisamente, Brostep, estou planejando algumas músicas melódicas, não que eu já não fazia, mas irei fazer com mais frequência nesse ano. Talvez possa haver um growl aqui, um bass com distorção ali.. Mas ainda continuarei a fazer mais Dubsteps. Esse ano não vai ser tão focado em Brostep. Tenho muitas ideias em mente e muitos projetos para finalizar, então aguarde por boas músicas!


Drumstep! Glitch Hop... Complextro? -Brostep


-Exiting Supporting, i'll back next time i can!-



Posted by Vytroven - January 27th, 2024

Anything different on my account? Yes, i'm finally supporting newgrounds! Nothing big, I'm just going to change my name, I hope this gets updated to Geometry Dash, but I don't think it will. i'm gonna explore what a supporter can do too.



Posted by Vytroven - January 11th, 2024

So guys, I just created a SoundCloud account, I'll be posting songs here and there!!! https://soundcloud.com/user-577034390. I'm still changing some stuff there. My profile isn't done. First of my songs i've posted there is: https://soundcloud.com/user-577034390/vytroven-trouble-wave?si=aa1354380f794caf855904861478a50d&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

I'm not gonna post in cronology order until the song uploading syncs.

Well, probably i'm gonna stop posting there when my 180 minutes ends, maybe some day i'm gonna use the Next Pro if i have conditions to pay it.



Posted by Vytroven - November 30th, 2023

After some changes it will be Vytroven :D

Depois de algumas mudanças vai ser Vytroven :D



Posted by Vytroven - November 27th, 2023

Well, I'm really mad at myself Haha, but am I going to change my name again because Vytires came up a little provoked? A bit strange when pronouncing it, in fact they told me that Tires means what makes the car move, I didn't really know that because I don't speak English completely, well then... Vytroves will be my new name, why not? Vyt comes from Vítor (my real name) and Troves can mean something like treasure, besides the meaning was supposed to be more like thunder, because in Portuguese it is close to that word. I hope you understand, I swear I won't change it again, and if I change it, I'm a fool, I won't change it until this name seems bad in some way. Tell me if theres something wrong with that name later. Something is coming this week...

Bem, estou muito chateado comigo mesmo Haha, mas vou mudar meu nome de novo porque o Vytires apareceu um pouco provocado? Um pouco estranho na hora de pronunciar, na verdade me falaram que Pneus significa o que faz o carro andar, eu realmente não sabia disso porque não falo inglês completamente, então... Vytroves será meu novo nome, por que não? Vyt vem de Vítor (meu nome verdadeiro) e Troves pode significar algo como tesouro, além do significado ser mais parecido com trovão, pois em português é próximo dessa palavra. Espero que você entenda, juro que não vou mudar de novo, e se eu mudar, sou um bobo, não vou mudar até que esse nome pareça ruim de alguma forma. Depois me diga se tem alguma coisa de errado com esse nome. Algo está vindo nessa semana...


Posted by Vytroven - August 25th, 2023

Hello everybody, my name now will be Vytires, i hope i use it forever, it really sounds cool for me. Also, my new song will come in some minutes, with my new name. Hope you enjoy cya.



Posted by Vytroven - August 15th, 2023

Hi guys, I know what I said about I decided my name to be HOG forever, I just changed my mind. Well, I chose that name before I knew it meant anything to do with pigs, and also people keep remembering HOG RIDER and blah blah blah. I just want a acceptable name that doesn't exists, i didn't decided it yet, but the last song i'll put the artist name as HOG will be Hypnotic 2, yea i did it, thanks to all of you, it's almost reaching 100 downloads, it's a good begin for me, i really have to thank you for this. I have another song done here and i'm deciding which name i'll put to it, and i'm gonna post when i decide my new artist name. I think this new song is gonna come in this week, or maybe today, who knows

Oi pessoal, sei o que disse sobre ter decidido que meu nome seria HOG para sempre, apenas mudei de ideia. Bem, eu escolhi esse nome antes de saber que tinha algo a ver com porcos, e também as pessoas continuam se lembrando de HOG RIDER e blá blá blá. Eu só quero um nome aceitável que não existe, ainda não decidi, mas a última música que colocarei o nome do artista como HOG será Hypnotic 2, sim consegui, obrigado a todos vocês, é quase chegando a 100 downloads, é um bom começo para mim, eu realmente tenho que agradecer por isso. Eu tenho mais uma música pronta aqui e eu estou decidindo que nome eu vou botar nela, e eu vou postar ela quando eu decidir meu novo nome de artista. Eu acho que essa nova música vai chegar nessa semana, ou talvez hoje, quem sabe.



Posted by Vytroven - February 1st, 2023

It is decided, my name will be HogDosh, you can mention me HOG, i hope soon, soon i support newgrounds for i change my name, or, someone send for me, i'll be very happy if someone do this, i promise i'll make a song dedicated for this person.



Posted by Vytroven - October 29th, 2022

Hi guys! I just wanted to let you know that I didn't want to put my name on newgrounds as "TinhoGD", I wish I had put another name. I want to change my name but I have to support newgrounds and I don't have money. For now as you can see in the names of my songs sometimes it's like "Tin". Bye

Oi galera! So queria avisar mesmo que eu não queria botar meu nome na newgrounds como "TinhoGD", eu queria ter botado outro nome. Eu quero mudar meu nome porem tenho que da suporte para newgrounds e eu não tenho dinheiro. Por enquanto como vocês podem ver nos nomes das minhas musicas as vezes está como "Tin". Flw


Posted by Vytroven - September 28th, 2022

Finaly new songs guys! right? Two new songs at this month, go check it! :D. Im needing to make songs at fl studio mobile on android emulator because i can't use right fl studio for pc.
