Nossa, esse drop me impressionou! Nossa mano incrível, continue assim.
Nossa, esse drop me impressionou! Nossa mano incrível, continue assim.
I liked the idea, and the sfx. The chords was creative, but it's a bit simple. It could be more atractive and interesting, but still good man, keep evolving your talents!
Man, this is absolutely incredible. I really got goosebumps with that thunderous drop! I liked the melodies and the mix, the basses were really cool. Good job. The mixage with "Omar Varela - All Aboard" and "Panda Eyes - Colorblind" sounds very cool.
Sinceramente top demais. Mt bom, ja ouvi n sei quantas vezes.
Vlw cara! É muito bom ter um feedback positivo como esse!
Wow, thats nice, sounds very cool. Very nice job bro. What program you use to make songs?
incrível! Amei! Gostei muito mano do remix, sério, os basses ficaram mo daora, top d+.
Very nice dubstep!
Wow, it sounds very cool and is very relaxing, very nice song!
I'm obsessed with Dubstep styled musics
I can be known as: EyeVoid, Voider, Bocolho and HogDosh sometimes.
Joined on 6/15/22